Waiting Star Productions
About Waiting Star Productions
Lauren James and Ed Miller met in 2006 and almost immediately began creating shows together. Their first was The Greatest Generation—A Musical Tribute. This joint venture was so successful that it is still playing today. The show is a moving account of the people who came of age in the Great Depression and then led us to victory in World War II. It features the music of the 30s and 40s. The first few performances were musical reviews, then wide-screen multimedia, featuring images and film clips, were added.

Their second show, an even bigger success, was In the Days of Teddy Roosevelt. This show, now being performed throughout Oregon.
In 2015 they created the moving Christmas miracle show: With Every Christmas Card I Write and it was an immediate hit, opening in December of that year. It has already received multiple bookings for 2016.
The team’s collaborations have also produced a number of special events and videos. Currently they are putting the final touches on an all-original musical, Waiting Star. Ed wrote the show some years ago (book, lyrics and melodies) and Lauren arranged and recorded vocal and instrumental sound tracks.
Lauren and Ed after a 2006 show.
“Their music both reflected and help shape their spirit, often serving as a drum roll to summon everything hopeful and optimistic.”
From "The Greatest Generation—A Musical Tribute"
Over the past eight years, The Greatest Generation — A Musical Tribute has performed at concerts, conventions, retirement communities and public venues around Oregon.
A common theme to all of the work produced by Waiting Star Productions is “the power of a song.” The team deeply believes in the power of music to reach, inspire, and empower. Music not only reflects, but also helps shape a culture. The shows created by the team are all overwhelmingly positive.
Lauren James
Lauren has been performing professionally in the Northwest since the age of 17. As an accomplished pianist and singer, she has entertained audiences in many venues, including Carnegie Hall (as soloist), and is also a music teacher and musical director. She co-hosted the morning show on a radio station in Roseburg, her home town. Presently she is co-producing shows and working as the accompanist for Dr. Kirby Shaw's Jefferson State Choral Coalition at Southern Oregon University.
Ed Miller
Prior to his work with Waiting Star Productions, Ed worked as a reporter, photographer and graphic artist for a Bay Area magazine. His first play was A Night in Egypt, which was produced twice in the San Francisco Bay Area and may soon be revived.

Lauren and Ed after a 2014 show.
Marking the 63 rd Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion, Lauren and Ed conducted a widespread search to find surviving veterans of the decisive World War II battle.
Four veterans were brought by limousine to the event, their stories were told, and they were then treated to dinner at Bel Dis Restaurant.
ABC Affliiate KDRV covered the event.